Extremely dangerous for many people. Avoid at all times. - read more
Extremely dangerous for many people. Avoid at all times. - read more
Ginger has many benefits to the gut but needs to be thoroughly cooked first - read more
Acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Many people experience issues with this food. - read more
High acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Avoid whenever you can. - read more
Always try and use the least amount of oil possible when cooking - read more
Usually safe even during a flare up and a great way to add flavour especially to potato based meals - read more
One of the safest vegatables to include in a Crohn's disease diet - read more
There are many studies that talk about the health benefits of Green Tea, this includes digestion and during a flare up can even help the healing stages. Results of a 2018 study indicate that a chemical in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, helps combat inflammation in laboratory-cultured human intestinal cells. However, researchers have yet to test the chemical in people. - read more
Not the best but not the worst choice for meat options, can often be quite fatty and high in salt. Packet and processed options can be dangerous also. - read more
Your best replacement for milk, although people report similar discomfort and issues as milk in large amounts. - read more
Always try and use the least amount of oil possible when cooking - read more
Contain no milk and a reasonably low number of different ingredients make these quite easy to digest - read more
Reasonably safe in small quantities - read more
Generally avoid due to the processed food nature - read more
Contain milk - look for soy alternatives - read more