84 foods found.



Acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Many people experience issues with this food. - read more

Apple cider


High acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Avoid whenever you can. - read more



Acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Many people experience issues with this food. - read more


Meats & alternatives

Quite a dangerous meat to consume due to the high fat and grease. If you have to though look for the leanest cut of meat with the least fat around the edges, don't fry the bacon in a pan but cook it on a lower temperature in the oven and drain the fat. - read more


Meats & alternatives

Be very careful with beef products. Red meat such as steaks are always to be avoided. A leaner cut of beef, such as roast beef, can be safe when not in a flare up. - read more



Gernally avoid due to the high fibre but broccoli can be safe in smaller quanties and if you remove the broccoli leaves and cook thoroughly - read more



Acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut. Many people experience issues with this food. - read more



Acidity can put things out of balance, especially during a flare up and will cause discomfort to any wounding in the gut - read more



Caffeine content can be of some benefit to digestion but be careful in large quantities - read more