Only people that have specified they have Crohn's Disease can comment on this food.

Potifar 1 year ago

if you have Crohn’s disease, AVOID AT ALL COSTS. Jackfruit is extremely fibrousq and hard to digest. It caused me to have my worst flareup since I was diagnosed with crohn’s and totally blocked my intestine. AVOID

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Elfberg 1 year ago

This needs downgrading to Always Avoid!! A million times worse than any dairy products listed, eating this put me in the hospital for a week and the doctors said it's literally like glue in your intestines. My arch nemesis!

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Alex 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback on this - I have now downgraded it to Always Avoid.

Nereo 2 years ago

I ate jackfruit and its ok for me. Was duagnose with Cronh's dusease last February 2022.

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