Started having blueberries this week, as flaring bad and the meds aren't doing what they should. Today haven't had to rush to the loo for hours. Is it really down to Blueberries? I haven't really made any big adjustments to my diet apart from this. They are very easy to digest even in a flare.
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J man 1 year ago
I try to have these every day but if I'm experiencing a flare up I'll blend them up with honey, it really helps get my energy levels up.
User-4089 9 months ago
Started having blueberries this week, as flaring bad and the meds aren't doing what they should. Today haven't had to rush to the loo for hours. Is it really down to Blueberries? I haven't really made any big adjustments to my diet apart from this. They are very easy to digest even in a flare.