I once ate some cauliflower because I heard it was the better option. Not long after, I became super nauseous and could not eat anything after that because of how I was feeling. I am nervous to try again to see if it was the cauliflower or something else I had ate.
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Mccoy1 2 years ago
I once ate some cauliflower because I heard it was the better option. Not long after, I became super nauseous and could not eat anything after that because of how I was feeling. I am nervous to try again to see if it was the cauliflower or something else I had ate.
J man 1 year ago
I struggle with cauliflower as sometimes it seems to irritate my digestive system.
User-25002 9 months ago
Only like this food when raw, hate it cooked. Guess I’m not eating cauliflower anymore.