High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiment with in very small increments - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiment with in very small increments - read more
Although high in fibre, Heinz baked beans can be a safe go-to lunch meal during a flare up - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more
One of the best ways of getting calcium in your diet with relatively easy digestion. Include in your meals as much as possible. During a bad flare up you may want to avoid. - read more
Can be unsafe in large amounts, need to be cooked thoroughly but avoid during a flare up - read more
Some people with Crohn's may experience issues with this food - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more
soy contains bioactive peptides, and some research suggests that these have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help manage IBD. - read more
High fat content of some nuts can cause swelling in some people - experiement with in small increments - read more